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Employee Resource Groups

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Employee Resource Groups

在恩波里亚州立大学,我们重视构成我们大学社区的不同观点. Based on feedback through the 2018 Climate Survey, focus groups conducted by the Office of Diversity, 股本, 和包容, and other feedback mechanisms, 我们的社区成员表达了培养归属感和参与影响ESU社区的决策的愿望. 我们的战略目标是成为多元化的典范, 股本, 和包容, and in order to facilitate more opportunities for communication, 连接, and support among our 教师 and staff, the Office of Diversity, 股本, 和包容, in partnership with 人力资源, will be facilitating the creation of Employee Resource Groups.

What are Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)?

Employee Resource Groups aim to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace. 的 groups exist to provide holistic, 以社区为基础的支持和个人或职业发展的帮助,同时创造一个安全的空间,让员工可以把他们的整个自我带到桌子上. ergg为拥有共同利益的组织成员提供了一个论坛, 身份, 背景, 或经验.

first employee resource groups 最初的职场亲和团体是为了应对民权时代的种族冲突而创建的吗. 约瑟夫威尔逊, the former CEO of Xerox, 和他的非裔美国员工在1970年设计并发起了全国黑人员工核心小组,以解决种族紧张局势和工作场所歧视问题. 根据… 报告 根据宾利大学的研究,近90%的财富500强企业都有ergg.

的 Impact of ERGs

ERGs provide a forum for campus members to share concerns, 发现社区, and offer a supportive environment. 然而, as ERGs have evolved, they have also been shown to impact retention, 招聘, 指导, leadership development, and a resource for students and potential students. 根据… 报告 by the Society for Human Resource Management, 90%的受访公司表示,在入职过程中,ergg让新员工感觉更自在, 70%的公司依靠ergg来建立劳动力队伍,以反映他们所服务人群的人口特征.


  • 为拥有共同身份或经历的员工建立开放的沟通,在建立归属感的同时提供支持
  • 促进多元和包容的校园文化,同时强调包容的重要性
  • Empower groups through financial support, organizational support, and access to university leadership
  • 建立一条清晰的沟通渠道,让ergg成员向领导层表达关切,并对政策提出批评, 社区问题, and community needs
  • Provide a social space for staff and 教师 to connect and network
  • 为感兴趣的教职员工提供通过对话加强校园社区的机会, professional development, 教育, and community building


ergg可以围绕一系列个人或专业兴趣和从属关系建立,包括退伍军人, 有色人种女性, the LGBTQ+ community, 工作的父母, 和更多的. Each groups needs and 目标 may be different in scope. 因此, 给予这些小组的结构是最小的,并确保他们能够在多元化办公室的支持下实现他们的目标, 股本, 和包容 and 人力资源. ERG计划是由ESU的卓越、尊重、责任和服务的核心价值观驱动的.


  • ERGs commit to meeting at least twice a semester
  • 协调员承诺每学期与多样性临时高级主任会面一次,并作为多样性办公室的联络人, 股本, 和包容
  • 协调员每学期将举行一次集体会议,以鼓励小组之间的合作和沟通
  • Each ERG will define the group’s individual mission, 目标, membership expectations, and budget requests. 这些任务和目标应该表现出与核心价值观的深思熟虑的联系,以及该组织将以有意义的方式改善其成员和整个ESU社区的校园生活


我们认识到,这些群体中的许多人可能会代表校园中历史上被排斥和边缘化的人群. 我们的办公室也明白,这些社区成员经常被要求完成额外的劳动,以支持其他员工和教师, as well as students, within these populations. 因此, 凡选择担任人力资源小组协调人,将获发少量津贴,以表彰他们为支持我们努力成为多元化典范所付出的时间和劳动, 股本, 和包容.

Employee Resource Groups (ERG)

Women's Leadership Group

Good leadership is fundamental to the success, 在各方面, of the mission of Emporia State University.  No matter their role or position, 每个人都可以发挥领导作用,赋予他人权力,做出改变,推动社区向前发展.  的 Women’s Leadership Group creates a safe place for learning leadership skills and reflecting on our unique path to leadership while holding a place for relationship-building and belonging.

Upcoming meetings:


April 18 (9-10AM)


Located in the PDK Room, Memorial Union



的 LGBTQ+ ERG’s purpose is to create an inclusive, 通过活动为恩波里亚州立大学的教职员工提供支持, 读书俱乐部, 服务项目, and time together. 我们的目标是建立和维持一个所有人都有归属感的社区. 我们通过在校园内建立关系,为人们提供真实的空间来完成这项工作, 完整的自我.

Upcoming meetings:

April 17 (3:00 pm)

位于罗伊州. Cross Room, Memorial Union


Faculty and Staff of Color Group

教师 & 有色人种ERG的工作人员为有色人种的教职员工提供了一个包容和安全的空间,让他们彼此建立社区,并通过公共资源和支持保持联系. 教师 & 有色人种ERG的工作人员还就多样性的增长和可见性向ESU领导团队提供反馈和建议, 股本, 和包容 on campus and the 招聘 and retention of students, 教师, and staff of color. 

Rebecca Rodriguez Carey -

Resiliency and Healing Group

复原力和治疗小组将作为校园社区的资源,通过活动了解和创造建立复原力和自我保健的方法, community outreach, and partnerships with other campus groups. Members can develop new skills, build on existing strategies, and develop community and 连接, while feeling cared for and welcomed by like-minded colleagues.

Upcoming meetings:

First Fridays of every month starting in September from 3-5 p.m. in PKP, Memorial Union.

Nyki Stump——

Young Professionals Group 

进入一份新的职业可能会很艰难,尤其是当你进入一个让你觉得与同事脱节的环境时. We would like to welcome you to the Young Professionals ERG, 我们是一个为Z世代和年轻的千禧一代员工服务的团体,他们想要了解一些其他在Emporia State加入我们的新教职员工. 青年专家ERG还为新员工提供机会,让他们相互学习高等教育工作的来龙去脉,并找到相互支持的方法.

Upcoming meetings: 



Located in the Diversity Lounge, Memorial Union



For questions contact Nyk Robertson, senior director of diversity
