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Office of the President Interim Presidents

Interim Presidents

Meet ESU’s Interim Presidents

Interim Presidents


Named interim president Nov. 17, 2021

President of Emporia State University from Nov. 17, 2021, to June 22, 2022 when he was named the 18th president.

肯安静 was named ESU Interim President on Nov. 17, 2021. Hush是Emporia州立大学的毕业生,并于1995年入选ESU体育荣誉堂. 他曾担任ESU基金会董事会主席和威奇托州立大学董事会主席.

Dr. 杰奎琳Vietti

Named interim president June 1, 2015


Dr. 杰奎琳·维耶蒂在公立高等教育机构工作超过35年, 为堪萨斯州和密苏里州的社区学院和高等教育系统以及高等教育委员会的19个州地区提供指导和领导. 超过17年, she served as President of Butler Community College, the second largest public community college in the state, 2012年退休.

从那以后,. 维耶蒂继续为堪萨斯州的公共教育和社区工作, serving as a guest lecturer, an evaluator for the Higher Learning Commission, facilitating numerous initiatives, and as a member of a number of Boards, including El Dorado Inc.苏珊·B. 艾伦纪念医院,和堪萨斯董事会高等技术教育局.

Born in Eureka, 菅直人sas, Dr. Vietti is a graduate of 菅直人sas State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biological Science (1970); Emporia State University, where she earned her Secondary Teaching Certificate (1971); and Pittsburg State University, 1982年,她获得了社区学院教学硕士学位。. In 1991, 她获得了成人和职业教育哲学博士学位, also from 菅直人sas State University.

Dr. H. 爱德华Flentje

Named interim president July 1, 2011.


Dr. H. 爱德华·弗伦杰应堪萨斯校董会的要求回到了他的母校, who named him interim president beginning July 1, 2011.

Dr. Flentje于1964年获得堪萨斯州立师范学院数学和物理科学教育学士学位, now Emporia State University. 他于1965年获得乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)的政府管理硕士学位和博士学位.D. in political science from The University of 菅直人sas in 1970.

His career in higher education and government has spanned four decades.

Dr. Flentje于1979年加入威奇托州立大学,担任公共管理教授,并担任过许多行政任务. 1999年至2008年, 他曾担任威奇托州立大学雨果沃尔城市与公共事务学院院长.

He also has taught at Chicago City College, 曾在卡本代尔的南伊利诺伊大学和堪萨斯大学任职,并在伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会和南伊利诺伊大学担任行政职务.

Dr. 弗伦特杰的公共服务包括在前堪萨斯州州长的内阁中任职. 罗伯特F. Bennett and Mike Hayden. Dr. Flentje还曾担任堪萨斯发展金融管理局主席, 2008年担任威奇托机场管理局主席和临时城市经理.

在ESU, Dr. Flentje has served on the board of the ESU Alumni Association, 于2010年当选为恩波里亚州立大学基金会董事会成员,并于2010年被评为杰出校友.

A native 菅直人san, Dr. Flentje在哈珀县出生和长大,在Bluff市的公立学校上学. He is a member of the American Political Science Association, American Society for Public Administration, 堪萨斯州历史学会和国际城市/县管理协会.

John O. Schwenn

Dr. John O. Schwenn served as interim president from May 31, 2006 to Oct. 31, 2006.

A native of La Crosse, Wisconsin, Dr. Schwenn获得了威斯康星大学拉克罗斯分校的心理学学士学位,在那里他获得了莫里斯O. Graff Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005. 他得了个M.S. 和Ph值.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

1976年,博士. 施文成为克利夫兰三角洲州立大学的教员和特殊教育主任, 密西西比州. In 1989, 他被任命为恩波里亚州立大学心理学和特殊教育副主席. 此后,他担任心理学和特殊教育主席, Dean of Graduate Studies and 研究, Associate Vice President for 学术事务, 从1997年开始, Vice President for 学术事务.

Dr. Schwenn一直活跃于许多专业组织,包括学习障碍协会,在那里他是密西西比州和堪萨斯州的主席, 特殊儿童委员会,在那里他是密西西比联邦主席, 他是堪萨斯州学习障碍部门的主席, and the 菅直人sas Teacher Education Division state president. 他是the William Allen White Community Partnership的董事会成员, 合并, the Board of Governor’s of the Renaissance Group, and the Board of Directors of the National Teachers Hall of Fame. 他也是the Flint Hills Technical College的董事会成员.

他出版了40多部学术著作,包括书籍、章节和期刊文章. 他曾在60多个国际、国家和州会议上发表演讲.

Dr. 拉里Boylan

Dr. 拉里Boylan曾担任堪萨斯州立师范学院的临时校长 8月, 1966 to February, 1967


Boylan was born on November 26, 1908 in Le Roy, New York. After graduating high school, he attended Allegheny College and completed his bachelor of arts in 1932, and then earned his master’s and doctorate from Cornell University. After graduating with his master’s degree, Boylan served as a guidance director at the Gloversville, New York public school district.

1954年,博伊兰在堪萨斯州立师范学院开始了他20年的职业生涯,担任学生服务主任. 1958年,他成为研究生院院长,直到1972年退休.

Dr. 约翰·E. 雅可布

Dr. 约翰·E. 雅各布斯从1953年1月16日到1953年6月26日担任临时总统.

约翰·E. 1月16日,雅各布斯被任命为堪萨斯州立师范学院的临时校长, 1953, after president David L. MacFarlane died from heart problems. MacFarlane had been ill and in the hospital for several months. 雅各布斯一直担任校长,直到1953年6月26日约翰·金被任命为该校第11任校长.

雅可布 was a graduate of the teachers college at Pittsburg, had a M.S. in education and also a Ph.D. from the University of 菅直人sas.

1947年,他加入了堪萨斯州立师范学院,担任中学教育主管. He was a visiting professor of education at the University of 菅直人sas, and for a year was principal of the University high school, Mt. 山岳女神. 在奥塞奇县的一所乡村学校和伯林盖姆的小学任教后, 雅可布 became principal of the senior high school in Osawatomie, 菅直人. He was principal of the junior high in Lawrence from 1934 to 1941.


After being replaced by King, 雅各布斯成为州教育部特殊儿童项目的负责人.